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Conference Talks
Alexey Krivitsky & Roland Flemm - The value of Org Topologies in the era of DIY-frameworks
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Alexey Krivitsky & Roland Flemm - The value of Org Topologies in the era of DIY-frameworks

Discovering Org Topologies (a meetup for Agile Rhein-Main user group)
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Discovering Org Topologies (a meetup for Agile Rhein-Main user group)

Org Design in the DIY-era wit hOrg Topologies™ at Agile Warsaw Dec 2023
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Org Design in the DIY-era wit hOrg Topologies™ at Agile Warsaw Dec 2023

AgileByExample 2023: Alexey Krivitsky & Roland Flemm - Drive the second wave of the Agile Revolution
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AgileByExample 2023: Alexey Krivitsky & Roland Flemm - Drive the second wave of the Agile Revolution


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